MegaPower Concert

Six World Premieres presented by 

Manhattan School of Music's Contemporary Performance Program, Class of 2015

The Firehouse Space, 246 Frost Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211

10th April, 2015 5pm


Members of Manhattan School of Music’s elite contemporary music ensemble Tactus present an evening of world premiere solo works written by Manhattan School’s student composers. This performance is the culmination of a annual concert series known as Power Concerts, a compact and stimulating weekly musical event consisting of new and experimental works held every Tuesday evening at Manhattan School of Music. The final event of the series, the MegaPower Concert, will be held at The Firehouse Space on April 10th, 2015 at 5pm.

The solo pieces to be performed have been conceived and brought to life for this concert event through intimate collaborations between composer and performer. Not only will this event be a vivacious afternoon of world premiers but will showcase the the talents coming out of Manhattan School of Music’s composition and contemporary performance programs.


The Program

Orphéiade (I)                                                                                 George Katehis                     Movement III                                                                                                               Jack Dettling, piano 

Supekutoru                                                                                     Derek Cooper             Molly Shambo, flute

Chagall's Violinist                                                                     Jonathan Comisar                  Prelude (frame and canvas)                                                                                               I. Birth (blue)                                                                                                                        II. Alef, Bet, Gimmel (yellow)                                                                                              III. Flying Lovers (red)                                                                                                         IV. Wedding Dance (purple)                                                                                            V. The Last Gate (white)                                                                                               Epilogue (green)                                                                                                         Charlotte Munn-Wood, violin

 - Brief Pause -

Virbl                                                                                                      Víctor Báez        Maria Hadge, cello

Spiritus                                                                                                        Icli Zitella                    I. Agitato e violento                                                                                                            II. Lentissimo, senza misura                                                                                            III. Lo più veloce possible                                                                                        Kelley Barnett, flute

World of Plenty                                                                                         R. E. Smith          Jason White, prepared piano


Recordings are Below


The Composers 

The Performers 

The Collaborations 

Jack Dettling on piano, World premiered on April 10, 2015 at Firehouse Space

Molly Shambo on Flute, World Premiere on April 10, 2015 at Firehouse Space

Charlotte Munn-Wood on violin, World premiered on April 10, 2015 at Firehouse Space

Maria Hadge on cello, World Premiered on April 10, 2015 at Firehouse Space

Kelley Barnett on flute, World premiered on April 10, 2015 at Firehouse Space

Jason White on prepared piano, World premiered on April 10, 2015 at Firehouse Space